Index (pl. Indices)It is a grouping of financial assets that are used to give a performance indicator of a particular sector. Examples of the largest global indices are MSCI ACWI Index, MSCI World, S&P Global 100, S&P Global 1200, The Global Dow – Global version of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Dow Jones Global Titans 50, FTSE All-World index series, and OTCM QX ADR 30 Index.
InflationThis is the increase in the cost of goods and services in an economy. It is also a devaluing of currency, because in the time of inflation, each unit of the currency’s economy is worth less of any good or service.
Instrumento financieroEs un contrato monetario entre dos partes: el comprador y el vendedor, que puede negociarse y liquidarse. El contrato representa un activo para el comprador y un pasivo financiero para el vendedor.
IntercambioEs un mercado abierto y organizado para materias primas, acciones, valores, derivados y otros instrumentos financieros. Los términos intercambio y mercado se utilizan indistintamente.
InterestThis term refers to several things in finance. It refers to the charge levied against a party for borrowing money, which can be a cost or a means of making profit for a trader. Interest can also refer to the portion of a company’s stocks held by a particular shareholder.
Interest Rate This is an amount charged by a lender to a borrower for the loan of an asset, usually expressed as a percentage of the borrowed amount. This percentage usually refers to the amount paid each year (Annual Percentage Rate). But it can refer to payments on a more or less regular basis.
Intrinsic Value This is the true or perceived value of an asset. Intrinsic value is not always identical to an asset’s market price, because assets can be either undervalued or overvalued. Investors use Intrinsic Value in option pricing or assess stocks.
IPCEste es un índice de precios al consumidor, un promedio de varios bienes y servicios de consumo que se utiliza para dar una indicación de la inflación.
IPOThis is an abbreviation for Initial Public Offering. This term means that a company goes public on a stock exchange.